Benito Mussolini

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until he was ousted in 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Known as Il Duce , Mussolini was the founder of fascism.

Mussolini was born in Dovia di Predappio, a small town in the province of Forl in Romagna onJuly 1883. During the Fascist era, Predappio was dubbed Duces town, and Forl was Duces city. Pilgrims went to Predappio and Forl, to see the birthplace of Mussolini. His father Alessandro Mussolini was a blacksmith and a socialist, while his mother Rosa Mussolini was a devoutly Catholic schoolteacher. Owing to his fathers political leanings, Mussolini was named Benito after Mexican reformist President Benito Jurez, while his middle names Andrea and Amilcare were from Italian socialists Andrea Costa and Amilcare Cipriani. Benito was the eldest of his parents three children. His siblings Arnaldo and Edvige followed.

Source: Wikipedia